AFTER forging links in the United States, Burnley are now focusing their attentions on Eastern Europe to try and capture to finest young talent.

In addition to the link-up with Cary U23 PDL team, announced last week, Burnley FC director John Sullivan is set to embark on a second recruitment drive to Russia and Hungary.

Mr Sullivan, a Director of Burnley Football Club since 2004, has vast business contacts in Eastern Europe.

And next week, he is scheduled to fly out to forge links with top clubs in the two countries.

Mr Sullivan said: “It is important that we try to cast our net far and wide to recruit young talent to this club.

“I have many contacts in that part of the world, including business associates of President Mr Vladimir Putin, and I see this trip as another important avenue in progressing our youth system towards the ultimate goal of Academy status.”

Mr Sullivan’s four-day trip will take place on at the beginning of December, after the Russian Minister of Sport granted him an unlimited visa to speed up the process.