We columnists are oddities. The condition isn’t bad enough to get us put away, but we are required to have a certain ‘something’ that separates us from the norm, and especially from every other column in the paper.

Now, for me, being odd is, well, odd.

I was an ordinary, run-of-the-mill sort of guy when the millennium turned and this column was erected.

True, I wore my collar back to front and dressed in a frock one day a week, but otherwise I was quite normal. However, the millennium was still in nappies when people began to take me to task.

Happily not all, but some thought I was a wee bit on the odd side. Well, to be blunt, some wondered which planet I was on.

Understandably, I took this quite personally, until it eventually dawned on me that my severest critics were actually quite right.

As a Christian, I did indeed belong to another world.

Tomorrow, we God bods celebrate Christ the King Sunday and our commitment to an authority beyond earth.

In days of yore when England followed the same authority (i.e. as a Christian country), we we’re not so odd. Today, we grow odder by the day.

Our God would prefer we didn’t kill unborn babies, or promote sex outside marriage, or marry people of the same sex.

We believe in absolute right and wrong and that one day there will a reckoning before the King. Neither political correctness nor parliament set our creed. A greater King does.