IT started after the war. Whatever party has been in power it has systematically and intentionally taken away the need for the ordinary population to think, plan or have any responsibility for themselves.

It's been a case of so you don't feel like work? - don't worry, we will keep you'.

'Single but decided to have a baby? - no problem we will find you a house, and a nice allowance.

Our roads they are filled with markings, arrows and heaven knows what.

Why? Because they think we wouldn't know where to go without them.

Where we should have roundabouts, we have junctions awash with 'robot' lights saying 'you stop,' 'you go,' as if we would all run into one another if they weren't there, and think of the fuel we waste waiting at those lights, not to mention the carbon footprints.

It's 'eat five portions of fruit a day,' no junk food,' 'don't smoke,' 'don't you think you're drinking too much?' 'too much sex is bad for you,' then - 'it's good for you.' (I didn't mind that one)!

The edicts come thick and fast, but are we fitter, better, happier?

I don't think so. So, I propose they let us keep more of our money to spend the way we want, stop interfering in our everyday life and stick to what governments are meant to do - protect our country, run the transport and hospitals properly, and see the bins are emptied.

Experts say 'I blame the parents,' yet my dad was an orphan, a child in the Cheshire Homes, but a more upright, honest man you would have to meet.

He was a boy soldier in the First World War, wounded four times, worked hard all his life, and was a strict but loving father.

He had no one, no role model as a good example, but he certainly knew right from wrong and made sure that we did.

I like to think there was a good someone at the Cheshire Homes and for that I'm very grateful.