RED-FACED council chiefs have admitted wrongly telling farmers they were not allowed to plough snow from rural roads as they needed a qualification.

People in remote areas of the Ribble Valley have relied on farmers and contractors to clear access roads every winter.

But during the recent extreme weather, some farm-ers were ordered to stop by Lancashire County Council as they needed an NVQ in snow clearing.

Ben Phillip, 59, of Feazer Farm, Waddington, said: “We have ploughed these roads for decades and now they are questioning whether we can do it because we haven’t got a piece of paper to say we are qualified.

“Villages are being cut off and people have been isolated for weeks. It’s bureaucracy gone mad!”

Ribble Valley MP Nigel Evans said: “Farmers have often cleared the roads of snow, but many have been told recently they need NVQs in Health and Safety in order to do so.

“This cannot be the way to go about things. We must ensure farmers who know how to use their own equipment can clear roads themselves.”

Brian Cook, county council area manager, said: “We appreciate the help local farmers can provide as they can respond quickly to local snowfalls, particularly in isolated communities. "There has clearly been a misunderstanding at our end regarding the training and we will be doing all we can to bring this farmer back on board as soon as we can.”