Congratulations to Sgt Anthony Gibson and Cpl Brian Gilston for putting their lives on the line to protect and save fellow soldiers (LT, March 25). Perhaps ‘congratulations’ is the wrong word.

Let’s not forget the thousands of men and women who have, and do, put their lives on the line every day to defend our freedom.

Sadly, there are those who don’t appreciate, or fail to understand, that the freedom to speak their minds comes at a price.

No matter what your opinions are of the present war(s), let’s not forget these young men and women are the backbone of Britain.

Visibly protesting against these wars, we’ll defend your right to do so. Shouting about the unfairness of the war, we’ll also defend your democratic right to do so.

But please remember that millions walk the streets of this country taking our democratic system for granted.

Thankfully, there are many more millions who appreciate and understand that the fight for our democracy will go on.

It’s very humbling to realise that millions of young citizens have given up their tomorrows for our today and continue to do so.

Carol Tapp, on behalf of the Soldiers Support Group, Darwen.