COULD we please, Coun Karimeh Foster (LT, July 20), ever have an end to the ridiculous practice of ancient propaganda that has been responsible for all the wars throughout history and is still continuous today as normal?

The war in Israel is not about land, it's about religion. Gaza has proved this.

You would have thought by now that outdated and useless ancient religion would have run its course and that we could see further than our noses, but oh no, we are all still abiding and following the rules and regulations of long ago. Why do we do it?

People get up in the morning and think I must do this and that and if I don't, somewhere out there someone will object to how I dress, how I eat, how I think.

I must be very careful to abide by someone's claims even though they have had their lives and been dead for thousands of years.

I may be shunned, I may be punished and I may be resolved to abandoning my right to live' and all this for what?

All the prophets have long passed their sell-by date and should now be shunted to the far off land of nod, God no longer needs or wants their climate change and now wishes everyone to follow their own pathway to God, their own resolve to abide by modern standards of faith and redemption.

This world we live in is fast destroying itself through not abiding by the modern God-given rules of commonsense.

BRIAN McGLYNN, Shadsworth Road, Blackburn.