YET another piece in the paper by the League of Cruel Sports about the Hoghton Tower Shoot.

Speaking as a local, I would like to let readers know that local residents are fed up with the lies and misleading articles regularly put in the paper, and on television, by the members of this association.

Residents around Hoghton and neighbouring areas have peacefully worked on and alongside the Hoghton Tower Estate for many generations, and many have connections with the running of the country estate, being brought up in the country locals appreciate the country way of life and country pursuits.

In a democratic country it is perfectly acceptable to have differing views and many people may not agree with duck shooting.

Do they appreciate that these birds are part of the food chain or should we all become vegetarians?

Fox hunting has been banned, shooting is the next target what will be next, fishing?

I have not written to the paper before nor will I do again, as I have expressed my point of view, but I am sure readers will be bombarded by countless articles by the League of Cruel Sports over the next few months.

Please try to look at both sides of the argument and do not allow yourself to believe these members are representative of the local community.

Name and address supplied.