R BRACEWELL hit the nail on the head when writing that child allowance should be limited to the first two of a partnership (Letters, May 5).

It is costing this country millions to look after all these children that are being born, a lot to single parents.

Some of these children have different fathers.

Having children in some cases is big business in this country.

The more you have, the more money you get, and all the other allowances it fetches such as rent-free houses and no council tax.

The rest of the country should not be fetching up these children.

We cannot go on like this or we will end up becoming a Third World country and all services – for example, health, education, housing – will collapse under the strain of over population.

Then there will be no benefits for anyone because there will be no more money left in the pot.

A more responsible attitude is needed with the problem of over population.

H HAMER, Blackburn.