IT angers me yet again to walk through my local park (Witton) which I do every evening, to be faced with all the mess from the funfair and horse show.

You spend half the walk dodging horse manure. This really frustrates me as a dog owner – no matter where in the park a dog goes to the toilet, you pick it up and put in a bin.

Horse owners should have respect for local park users. If their horse does it on the path, they should remove it. There are also clumps of turf where their vehicles have been.

As for the funfair, the bins are overflowing on the paths and fields – even the dog poo bins. I live across from the park and spend most of the time picking up other people’s rubbish.

The newly-laid car park is left looking old. Where the funfair caravans have been, the fields are left torn up with piles of rubbish behind.

Why spend millions making a park look glorious then letting this happen?

Instead, they go away with a nice summer pay cheque bonus and a 1st place mugs certificate, while we’re left having to drive to other parks to make most of their beauty.

A very frustrated Witton resident (details supplied).