I WAS pleased to see a letter on May 20 regarding the new one-way system in Blackburn town centre. I quite agree.

I have lived in Blackburn all my life and frequent the shopping centre and surrounding shops on a regular basis, and the one-way system still baffles me.

I thought local councils and government were encouraging use of local trade? If so then isn't this contradicting these policies?

Mercers, as far as I am aware, has been trading in Northgate, Blackburn for a number of years, thus qualifying it as local trade.

If regulars cannot gain access to it then how on earth can we support local trade?

If you can tell me how to get to the car park at the back of there then please do, because I haven't got a clue and I'm sure many Blackburn people haven't either.

I believe the Mall is due a revamp to encourage people to visit Blackburn.

If this is the case then why make Blackburn such a complicated town centre to access?

I now try and avoid coming into Blackburn unless I really have to. I am sure many others feel exactly the same.

I think Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council needs a reality check and needs to stop messing with the already baffling traffic system and get its priorities right.

LISA HOLDEN, Whalley New Road, Roe Lee, Blackburn.