EACH Friday I read the column by Shuiab Khan with great interest, although I may not always share his views.

However, on May 12 I comprehensively agreed with his description of the new traffic system around Cardwell Place in Blackburn.

I accept that any change to an existing system will always generate both negative and positive response.

In this instance one cannot fail to see the negatives, but where are the positives?

Through the Lancashire Evening Telegraph I would invite the designer of this system to come out from the shadows and try to explain what, if any, improvements have been made.

In the first instance perhaps we could have an explanation of how a vehicle should journey from the top of King Street/Mincing Lane to Waves, King George's Hall and the library.

Locals find it difficult to resolve without a tortuous detour, so what chance is there for a stranger to the town?

COLIN BLEAZARD, Mayfield Road, Ramsgreave, Blackburn.