THE option by Rossendale Borough Council to delay the decision on the leisure facilities on the face of it appears to be the correct one.

However, Rossendale Borough Council, the Leisure Trust and the Cabinet have not exactly covered themselves in glory with their handling of the situation to date.

It is imperative that if, indeed, they have made the right decision not to rush things and obtain a proper assessment of the financial and public impact, they must make some cast-iron clear public commitments.

Most of the public will remain suspicious otherwise.

There needs to be a full and open proper multi-way consultation.

The farce of collecting the ‘views’ of the public who have not had clear and unbiased information on running costs, set-up costs, forecast charges, profits and expenditure, helps no-one.

The public needs to have belief in the councillors whose public duty is the responsibility for the provision and efficient supply of public services.

This problem is not yet resolved. The public must come to the public meeting tonight, February 26.

The media needs to be there also, not for a bun fight but to ensure there is a visual record of what the councillors finally decide.

It is essential to maintain the facilities whilst new ones are provided, although the expenditure must be kept under tight control at the same time.

Councillors are coming to realise, I think, that a lot more hangs on this subject than they previously realised. Maybe even their future!

Come on, public, keep up the pressure. It may take another year but better that than the disaster that could have happened without it.

R Sutcliffe, Haslingden resident and ratepayer