I find it incomprehensible and almost unbelievable that certain of our local elected so-called representatives have suddenly started a big outcry against the PFI (Private Financial Initiative) (LT, November 8).

They seem to have suddenly discovered how the PFI will place a terrible burden on taxpayers for years and years to come.

The PFI was introduced by our great financial genius in the government, as a political means of providing hospitals and the ridiculous BSFs etc., ‘as a ruse to get things off the government balance sheet’ as a county leader remarked.

Quite predictably, a Labour MP says, “on the other hand, we now have a brand new hospital”.

Another prominent councillor is quoted as saying, “I am shocked at the financial figures. They are bleeding us dry.”

Why, then, do the local politicians begin their outcry, now?

Surely they should have seen what was happening!

Some of the firms involved in the building of these projects have even included the term “lease” in their title.

Don’t councillors and others know what this means?

It means exactly what the American “lease-lend” meant to us so many years ago.

Politicians have been reported as calling for “a review of the fat cat contracts” – fat chance!

The moving finger writes, and having writ moves on.

Nor all thy piety nor wit shall lure it back to cancel half a line.

R. Bracewell, Ormerod Street, Worsthorne, Burnley