IT has been interesting to watch the disintegration of Labour’s new big idea in the national press.

We were told that the majority of homes in the country would be lifted out of fuel poverty by policies being put together by the Government.

At first all pensioners would be entitled to free home insulation, that then became those over 70, we were told that the costs would be met by the energy companies, now we learn that they will be able to offset this against tax, so it is the taxpayer that ends up footing the bill again.

Then to add insult to injury we read in the national papers that Environment Minister Phil Woolas suggests that those who cannot afford cavity wall insulation and tank/loft lagging should borrow against their homes to pay for it. Has this man not heard about the credit crunch and negative equity?

In all these reports I have been looking for comment from our elected representative Janet Anderson MP. I failed to see her name attributed to anything until we saw her preparing to stick a knife into the back of the Prime Minister.

Let us not forget this is the man that she helped to anoint as leader only 14 months ago, the man who for nine years was thought of as a demigod as Chancellor – that is if you forget about the destruction of private pensions in Britain, the selling off of our gold reserves at rock bottom prices, the 10p tax fiasco, 50 plus stealth taxes and the highest fuel tax in Europe plus much more damage to British finance and interests.

Yes Janet, Gordon Brown should go, but are you willing to tell us who should replace him and what policies they would pursue to turn things around?

Or are you going to be really radical and advocate a return to democracy and call for a General Election so all parties can put forward their manifestoes and the public can decide who should be Prime Minister of Great Britain, not just a bunch of squabbling MPs and union leaders.

PETER STEEN (via email)