IAGREE with Mr J Jacklin (LT, September 5). With reference to the vote for the proposed Darwen Council, it appears to me that the only party that is in favour of this new council is the Tony Melia For Darwen Party and that the coalition is being held to ransom because, for some reason, For Darwen does not want us to know the true facts about this council.

Surely we already employ local councillors to ensure public services and amenities such as traffic signs, litter bins etc, are improved and maintained.

What difference would employing the same councillors on another bureaucratic council make, as this council would still be governed and reliant on funds from the main Blackburn with Darwen Council.

The only people to gain would be councillors getting get a pay rise for being on yet another council.

How can you vote on something without knowing the facts? Unless you are relying on the hysteria of some Darweners who think they will be getting an autonomous governing body away from Blackburn.

Why is For Darwen so against letting us know the facts (LT, August 27) and why should this council involve only four or five wards which will have to pay extra on their council tax.

Have the guts to let us know what we are voting for.

MR C RILEY, Bolton Road, Darwen.