WHATEVER your view on the plight of local government workers, there is no doubt that employment rights are not what you think.

It's only a matter of time before other employers follow the council's example.

You might think that you have an employment contract that your employer has to honour.

Not so.

Apparently they can terminate this at anytime to suit them, by giving you 90 days notice.

In its place they offer an alternative contract, to your detriment and for their convenience.

You might lose a few thousand pounds, maybe even £10,000 or £15,000. Take it or leave it.

Leave it and you are dismissed. You won't like it, it won't be fair, but you'll be stuck with it.

You may as well hang your contract on the back of the toilet door for what it's worth.

Unscrupulous and without integrity they may be, but providing they know their way around the legislation this is apparently legal.

Be warned, your employer is watching developments with interest!

D T TOMLINSON, Ribchester Road, Wilpshire.