READING the daily paper recently I came across an item on how the Government plan to combat the purchase of cigarettes by children.

One suggestion put forward was banning the sale of 10 packs.

Now how can this be legal?

The sale of tobacco is either legal or illegal, the amount purchased does not (or should not) come into it.

Just how does Parliament propose to pass a bill to ban the sale of the smallest package, but not the larger size of what, after all, is still a legal substance?

Another plan is to hide the offending items under the counter. The thinking, I presume, being out of sight, out of mind, just like smack and cocaine.

I don't ever recall seeing those products on a newsagent's shelf, but does it stop the stuff selling like hot cakes?

The answer to that question unfortunately is no.

In fact it seems to give it some kind of added mystique.

In conclusion it has to be said that if Blair's new Labour appeared sometimes to be on another planet, Brown's is in another galaxy!

JOHN SMITH (via email)