I AM aghast and appalled to read that planning permission has been granted to Lidl for a store in Darwen. It is madness.

There are more than enough food stores in the town, another one will certainly not attract more shoppers.

I am surprised that the Chamber of Trade support the plan when it can only result in a further dilution of what little trade there is.

Darwen, like Blackburn, is dying on its feet.

The market is almost non-existent with more empty stalls than trading ones and the Market Hall will go the same way. Foodstores are not the answer nor are parking restrictions. The new Leisure Centre will be an attraction we hope, but we need more forward-thinking from the council.

I shudder to think what chaos is going to be the result of building the new Academy in the town centre.

The new road system is a nightmare, not just in the town centre, but on its perimeter. Olive Lane and Sudellside Street are showing evidence of the greatly increased traffic which is by-passing the one-way system as I forecast it would when asked for my opinion of the plans.

The streets are full of deep potholes and the junction with Sudell Road is extremely busy during the rush hour. I pity the crossing patrol on duty there.

EILEEN EASTHAM (via email).