WHAT a disgusting mess the chip pan was in, shown in your chip pan amnesty' picture (LT, April 14), displayed by Wayne Smith.

Perhaps the filthiest chip pan available was displayed as a "shock" deterrent?

The chip pan in the picture is a prime example of the scruffy domestic ways of too many people nowadays, and the epitome of their negligence and idleness. A chip pan fire primed to happen.

The chip pan pictured was encrusted with carbonised oil/fat from the base edge to halfway up. From there to the top edge it was caked in thick, sticky, congealed oil or fat.

A chip pan should be drained after use (when cool) and thoroughly cleaned regularly, preferably straight after each use, to prevent the build-up of inflammable residues/deposits around the outer surface.

To put such a filthy chip pan, as in the picture, in contact with a very hot cooker plate is absolute naive madness and just asking for a chip pan fire.

The inanimate chip pan is not itself a dangerous domestic appliance, apparently now, until there is a dim-witted, lazy person on the other end of it.

Who sees no danger in continually using a chip pan that is encrusted with carbon and congealed oil or fat?

Never heard of a Brillo pad and some elbow grease and hot water?

Drag yourself away from Coronation Street/East Enders, the computer and play station etc and go scrub up your scruffy chip pan.

That at least will make it much safer to use. And the exercise will do your mind and body the power of good.

M A McLEOD, St James Close, Church, Accrington