FOOD crisis is in the news again. Is the world heading for a food crisis? Rice prices are set to rise as fears over basic food shortages grow.

The price of rice has risen by as much as 70 per cent during the past year, with prices set to rise still further, the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) has warned.

Factors such as flooding, cold weather and urbanisation are depleting food supply.

Most of these agricultural countries are the third world poor developing countries like India, Bangladesh and China (whole of China is not rich).

The focus in these countries, like India is heavy industries and called SEZ whereby the agricultural land is taken up. Additionally there is proper irrigation system are big issues. fight over drinking and irrigation water is common. Maybe the agricultural policies needs to be reviewed.

Some say this has nothing to do with population, flooding or the weather.

Food prices are rising as are many other commodities such as oil and gold. Investors are speculating on the price of these products because they can't make gains in property or shares anymore.

Last time I bought a 50kg rice sack it was £36, now the same bag is costing £56.

Expect further increases as the world financial crisis gets worse and the speculators seek safe investments to protect their money.