AN inquiry was made (LT July 26) as to if anyone who may remember seeing a man about town, some 40 years ago, attired in the fashion of a Victorian gentleman - top hat and tails - or even knew him?

One could not fail to note this distinguishable character.

I recall him sat on a form beside the Queen Victoria monument on the Boulevard.

He was known to have frequented the old library and then the new library which opened in 1975.

Respectfully nicknamed "Gladstone," he was also a regular customer of the recently closed down, long-established El Greco cafeteria within the shopping precinct for afternoon tea.

Some years ago I came across a painting of the Exchange Arcade, Fleming Square, Blackburn at a flea market stall, Accrington.

The man on the stall knew my interest from Blackburn and demolition sites, and gave me the picture saying that it had been painted by this particular gentleman, for which I was very grateful. Regrettably, the artist's name remains anonymous.

I would further inquire as to a local artist, Mr John Storey, who had a yen for painting local street scenes about 40 years ago, and once displayed these in a mini gallery at the Haymarket Hotel, Cort Street.

I wonder what happened to these paintings, no doubt some of the subjects like many others, are demolished.

MR J A MARSDEN, Scarborough Road, Blackburn.