BEFORE our MPs vote for prison for people using mobile phones while driving, I wonder if they can tell us why East Lancs is awash with mobile phone-using drivers, none of whom have been fined in accordance with the law as it stands.

If they won't enforce the law they passed, what is the point racking up the penalty?

The head of Eastern Division Traffic Police is aware of the situation in Plantation Street, Accrington, of people driving while using phones.

But as far as I am aware not a single one has been stopped and fined despite the HQ for traffic being based less than 1,000 yards from Plantation Street.

Passing law which is not enforced or complied with is bad law. Do we conclude then that prison is just meaningless threat?

If the police find imposing a fine not worth the effort I don't see them wanting to take on a prison prosecution with all the time, expense and effort that will take.

Driving and using mobile, handheld, phones is an everyday, seven days a week, activity in Plantation Street and I suspect everywhere else too.

MR D PRATT, Plantation Street, Accrington.