CHRISTMAS is coming so the last thing I needed at this funds-conscious time is a good kicking from the DVLA.

My fault entirely, forgot to SORN (Statutory Off Road Notification, for the yet to be fined) the motorcycle I have in my garage.

Within days of re-taxing said motorcycle, I am hit with fines and back duty enabling the good people at Swansea to double their money on me.

Never mind though, I have come up with a simple solution to slash my motoring costs and leave me with extra cash every year for things like Crimbo.

Have any of you noticed the number of Polish and Latvian cars knocking around and have been for over a year now.

I think we can take it for granted the owners of these vehicles are not tourists. Looks like these cars are a permanent fixture and as you can't possibly tax a vehicle which is not in the system, then neither can you MoT it. Speeding fines and parking tickets need not be paid and God only knows if they are insured. So then these cars truly represent cheap motoring indeed.

While paying my dues to the DVLA I inquired about their policy on untaxed foreign cars.

Apparently they haven't got one.So I will now ask you the same question that I asked them. Where can I get one?

NATHAN R JOHNSTON, Whalley New Road, Blackburn.