So the month of fasting is upon us again. Those who are watching their weight are convinced that they will shed lots of pounds since they are fasting all day.

During suhoor (sehri) some people have their usual breakfast, others have eggs, parathas, puris or even left over curry and chapatti. Sound familiar?

We're more likely to allow ourselves extra treats than usual because we are convinced that it is all allowed during Ramadan.

The better foods to have are high fibre cereals, such Weetabix, Shreddies and porridge, these help you feel fuller for longer. Make sure you dont miss this meal though as it is really important.

The old saying 'breakfast is the most important meal of the day' definitely applies here! Also considering the long time before you next have any food, try having some toast as well but make sure it's not dripping in margarine!

During Iftaar some people want to eat everything in sight.

While normally you may have had some chapatti or rice with some curry for your evening meal, many people have lots of fried snacks. Some people are stocking up their freezers two months in advance and having just fried snacks for iftaar.

Or if they do have their meal they still have their fried snacks, either before, after or later. I won't mention all the sweet foods that we indulge in!

For most people sticking with their usual evening meal is the best idea.

It is just as filling as other foods and definitely better for your health than a plate of fried snacks.

During Ramadan we are naturally less active and this is understandable. Usual routines are lost and exercising seems out of the question.

It's no wonder then that some people put on weight during Ramadan!

Although we only have two main meals, we eat enough in them to more than make for what we have missed during fasting!

It is really important to cut back a little on all the fried and sweet foods eaten during Ramadan.

Yes, you may need to eat more for suhoor and at iftaar, just make sure you are eating more of the right foods. Remember, that whilst fasting, no one is as active as usual.

Remember fluids. Sometimes we forget to drink enough water during Ramadan so make sure you are drinking water after iftaar and at suhoor.

Then the festivals start. On Christmas day people eat about 5000 calories.

How much do you think that we go through on Eid or Diwali! Probably about the same I am sure as a little bit of indulgence is allowed.

The celebrations turn out to be a week-long events for many. No wonder then that the waistline grows a little!

Sumaiya Patel