ONE thing that struck me after the tragic events of last week was that the police discovered the identities of the London bombers very easily. Not least because at least one was carrying a driving licence and several credit cards.

I wonder if this bomber actually kept all these things close to hand so his name would quickly reach the front pages of the papers.

It seems obvious a national identity card would aid terrorist attacks by making sure the names of perpetrators go to print. I would expect it would be a suicide bomber's greatest wish.

For as long as I can remember, whenever there has such tragedy, the Dunkirk spirit has prevailed. Why is it that under Blair we should give up our freedoms by allowing our Government to trample over human right by introducing more draconian laws?

If every time terrorists attack Blair introduces another law, surely the terrorists are the ones that are winning.

JAKE LONG, Whalley Road, Accrington.