ARTISTS behind East Lancashire's controversial panopticans project are involved in plans to give Nelson its own Trafalgar Square.

The idea to create a permanent memorial following October's celebrations marking the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Trafalgar is the brainchild of Pendle Council leader Alan Davies.

Now, arts group Mid Pennine Arts has been asked to help create a new 'landmark' for Nelson town centre -- its equivalent to London's Nelson's Column.

Nelson is marking the anniversary in tribute to British hero Vice Admiral Horatio Nelson whose determination, bravery and skill inspired people living in Marsden in 1805 to name a new landmark after him -- the Lord Nelson Inn.

As the hamlet grew into a town, it took the pub's name.

It is hoped Nelson's Trafalgar Square will be part of the redevelopment of the town centre which will begin taking shape over the coming months.

Director of Mid Pennine Arts Nick Hunt said: "The idea is a Trafalgar Square for Nelson and a Nelson's Column for Nelson -- some kind of new landmark that would be a legacy of the Trafalgar celebrations, so you don't just have a weekend's celebrations.

"It can also be looking forward to the future of Nelson.

"It wouldn't be done by October 22 but something could be launched around October 22, commissioning a design for a new landmark.

"We worked on the panopticans and that's something just starting to take shape but we've been working on it for three years.

"It's been a pretty challenging project."

He said BDP, the consultancy commissioned to look at revamping Nelson town centre as part of housing marking renewal, could also be involved in the project.

He added: "Pendle Council's executive director for regeneration Brian Cookson's point of view is that something radical needs to happen to Nelson town centre perhaps tied in with the consultancy BDP is just starting.

"This could be an exciting project linked to this celebration."