A FASHION campaign to raise cash for breast cancer research has been kick-started by Janet Anderson MP by buying her teenage daughter a trendy T-shirt.

Top fashion designers have united to highlight the problem of breast cancer and have hit East Lancashire with their specially designed T-shirts.

Designers Ralph Lauren, Donna Karan, Louis dell'Ollio and Oscar de la Renta have brought the fashion world together in Fashion Targets Breast Cancer, launched by the Council of Fashion Designers of America.

Supermodel Kate Moss has helped to advertise the clothing which will form part of the UK launch this summer. It is to raise funds for research into breast cancer which kills 15,000 women every year in this country.

And Mrs Anderson, MP for Rossendale and Darwen bought a T-shirt for her 15-year-old daughter Kate from the Blackburn branch of Breakthrough.

The national charity has been given the exclusive licence in the UK.

Janet said: "The area of women's health is very often neglected.

"This campaign is very important as it helps enormously to raise public awareness to the extent to which women are suffering from breast cancer and what can be done to try to assist them."

The T-shirts are on sale at £8.99 at major High Street stores and also from Ruth Loft on 01254 262324.

A direct donation of one-third from each sale will be given to breast cancer research.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.