CAN anyone throw any light on the plight of an interesting local building?

The building in question is a large farmhouse situated around one mile opposite Haydock Park Racecourse across the A580, and on my map seems to be marked as Haydock Park Farm.

The farmhouse appears from a distance to be mid-Victorian "Gothic Revival" in style and has, over the last couple of years fallen into disrepair with deterioration to the roof and windows now being visible.

It is clear that another couple of winters will see this fine building falling in to an irreparable state.

The farmhouse is very similar in style to some of the houses situated in the nearby Park Road Conservation Area of Golborne.

It seems a great pity that while these houses are under the protection of the local authority, a very similar building should be allowed to crumble.

Perhaps it's not too late to save it.

If anyone has any thoughts on what might be done to save the building, I for one would be most interested to hear.

R.A. Hodgson

Park Road, Golborne

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