THERE has of late been much in the news concerning the young boy who is taking his parents to court because of their disciplining him, even though a British court had found no case to answer.

The ramifications of his case being successful are that it may be made illegal for parents to smack children, as it would be considered abuse! Has society gone mad?

Those who advocate no smacking, declining discipline in order that a child might 'express itself' are doing the exact opposite of their well meant intentions. They think that a more just, peaceful and non-violent society will develop because of their methods of not smacking children etc. The facts are that society is less caring, more violent, disrespectful and anti-authority than it has ever been and is degenerating rapidly - or am I mistaken and alone in thinking this?

I am the minister of a local church, husband of 22 years and father of three children, all of whom have been smacked during their formative years. None of them are on drugs, are delinquent or violent. They all have a very good and open relationship with us as parents - open and willing to talk to us. They are not 'damaged' as sociologists would suggest.

As a minister and leader of a church, I several years ago, became more aware of declining standards of discipline and morality generally in schools and so took the huge step of starting a school which has 'old fashioned' standards of discipline and morality, alongside high educational standards.

The school opened amidst much criticism. However, we now have parents coming to us dismayed by the falling standards in schools, asking us to take their children. Why? Because in spite of a minority, who are systematically running our society with their 'progressive methods', there is still a huge majority who KNOW that discipline not only never damaged anyone, but is absolutely necessary for a stable, caring society!

As ordinary parents and members of society, let's stand up and say to our local and national politicians ENOUGH - for evil to succeed it merely needs good people to do nothing.

David R. Benson

Senior Minister

Kings Park Christian Centre

Leigh Road, Leigh

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