TO fluoridate or not to fluoridate? - that is the question.

Whether it be wiser to rely upon a nutritious diet and clean wholesome water (if by good fortune such water can be found), or to accept the blandishments of the wicked tooth fairies, who adorned in white coats and the accoutrements of 'authority' give assurance to the unwary, that "an accumulative poison is not a poison," but a magic potion that will cure all ills and bring solace to the hearts and minds of mothers.

To place the poisoned chalice to their own sweet lips and add the gift of alchemists to the very bottle that feeds their baby. To be sought by eager rose-bud lips and conveyed through blood to soft and tender brain that has by nature a right to nutrients with which to grow and flourish.

Oh! But that these damned tooth fairies could be prevailed upon to sup of their own malevolent poison and leave the children of our nation to dine upon good food and sup clean water.

DENNIS J EDMONDSON, Secretary, Calderdale Citizens' Protest Against Fluoridation, Duck Hill, Pecket Well, Hebden Bridge.

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