TWO East Lancashire ice-skaters have landed starring roles in a video with pop superstar Robbie Williams.

Pam O'Connor and Jonathan O'Dougherty perform in the video for Robbie's latest single She's The One, released yesterday.

The video shows ice-skaters training for the World Championships and Pam and Jonathan spent five days in London rehearsing and filming after beating off hundreds of other skaters for the parts.

The former British Junior Champions are ranked fifth in the country and have been skating together for more than four years.

Jonathan, 21, of Queen's Park Road, Blackburn, said: "The record company wanted skaters to audition for the part and there were people from all over the country there.

"We just tried to show them what we could do and luckily we got the part."

In the video, Jonathan plays one of the skaters while Pam is the body double for the other and Robbie Williams their coach.

When Jonathan hurts his leg, Robbie steps in - though Jonathan performs all the skating parts for him too.

Pam, 19, of Franklin Road, Blackburn, said: "You don't see my face but I do all the skating parts with Jonathan and he has a major part.

"We went to London for five days and met Robbie Williams. He was great."

Jonathan said: "He's exactly like you would imagine him to be and really funny, just like he is on the TV."

The pair, who train five days a week at Blackburn Arena, have just returned from the International Dance Championships in Croatia, where they were placed eighth, and will head for Northern Ireland later this week to compete in the British Championships.

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