SO the cost of the new 'Cabinet' is public knowledge (Star, May 25).

Very expensive, more decisions taken by fewer people wielding more power behind closed doors, more houses handed over to private profit. "No money for maintenance" is the cry".

And who decided the salaries indicated? People behind closed doors before this became public? I don't remember being asked. I trust it is not coming out of the council tax, a situation I find totally objectionable. The very first question everyone should have asked when this new tier appeared was: "How much is this going to cost?" Well, now we know.

St Helens people should be hair-tearing, hopping mad. I thought New Labour touted a policy of less Government, but all we seem to get is more and more interference.

This land must be one of the most over-governed in the world, and not necessarily from London. What little pride I had in my hometown has finally been ground into the dirt.

Death-trap roads, industrialisation slung anywhere and damn the residents, council tax and rents up twice the rate of inflation and people made to feel a criminal if they get behind (I have had experience of this).

And what is the outcome of the 'New Dawn'? Another demonstration of the politician's line of reasoning, i.e. "Me first in the pay queue so everyone else can go away." Well, more importance, more money.

In conclusion, how long can we expect this lot to be here? Five years, longer? And what annual pay awards will apply? Because five per cent of a lot will mean a hell of a lot more for them. But then, so what. We'll more than likely be paying, won't we?

New Labour? Not likely. Where's my bike?

Angry bottomless moneybag (name and address supplied).