NO doubt I shall be criticised for writing to you as I have only lived here nine months.

Two points, however, struck me vividly;

One, the mind blowing incompetence of Lancaster Council (at management level) and two, the dedication, cheerfulness at the other end of the council strata, i.e dustbin men, gardeners, street sweepers etc.

I have been visiting Heysham in about 12 years and long ago decided that Lancaster is run by its full time officials and the councillors (perhaps through ignorance or incompetence) just rubber stamp all the decisions.

With reference to the bus station, it may be that we are all being conned and that the hidden agenda, is to close the the bus station for a few months while loudly shouting they have no money to build another.

After months of shilly-shallying we will all get used to being fragmented all over the city and the council will then sell off the site to some developers.

Who knows? Just don't put all the blame on the councillors, say 80:20 officials v councillors.

One thing for sure, we won't know about it until it's sealed and signed.

Bob Allen Heysham