aI DO not have much time for the political views of Cllr Greg Beaman. In fact, I do not have much time for politicians generally. When we have a close look at those who want to change the world we usually find that the best possible start that they could make would be to change their poor, pathetic selves.

We do, however, owe an enormous debt of thanks to Cllr Beaman and, so it appears, to Tony Blair (who is also attacked) for keeping Mr Steve Metcalfe and his tiny bunch of loony class-warriors in his Trades Council out of any position of real power either in the locality or in the country.

Just analyse some of his more barking remarks. We have the most deprived pensioners in Europe. Has Mr Metcalfe ever been to Portugal? He then accuses us, as a nation, of being racist about the poor Scottish people among us. Which planet is he from? We have a Scottish born Prime Minister, Chancellor and Foreign Secretary. We're also racist about the Irish and the Welsh -- this would account no doubt for the small number of Irish presenters on our radios and televisions. I wonder how many English presenters there are on Irish television?

And I suppose it was the anti Welsh element that voted in Neil Kinnock as party leader in overwhelming numbers a few years ago and I wonder if he was aware that Welsh language television is the most heavily subsidised TV service in Europe -- paid for by those English OAPs you're so concerned about.

The deluded Mr Metcalfe also tells us that he represents thousands of trade unionists. If so he did really well in motivating only 29 volunteers to parade through the streets this year. "No threats or intimidation will deter your trades council, says the valiant Steve -- no doubt backed by the might of his 29-strong army.

His argument that the Soviet Union collapsed because of its abandonment of real socialism is another pearl of wisdom. Does the abandonment of real socialism cause thousands to die at sea by climbing on anything that might help them float away from the socialist paradise of Cuba. Is it the abandonment of real socialism that has reduced Serbia to slavery and oppression under the hateful Slobbo?

I never thought I would see the day but I have to admit that after reading Mr Metcalfe's letter I offered up a silent prayer of thanks for the Blairs and Beamans of this world.

W Hill
