EDNA SMITH really knows her bowls.

And she has managed to put her knowledge of the intricacies of the crown green with success both as a player -- and a referee.

"You have to know your bowls if you're going to referee it," emphasises Edna.

And the lady from Prestwich Street, Atherton, certainly lives by that philosophy.

She qualified to officiate at crown green matches some three years ago and has since somehow managed to successfully ally her new role with her own playing commitments.

Edna, is a playing member with Atherton's Botanical Gardens, competing regularly in three leagues -- Sunday, Monday and Wednesday -- with nearly every Saturday taken up by refereeing.

"In between I still manage to practice quite a lot," she jokes. "I love the refereeing side of it and I've already stood in the Waterloo and Fleetwood tournaments.

"Obviously at that level there are a lot more men than women but that doesn't daunt me.

"I'm quite capable of keeping them in check - and, believe me, some of them need it more than the women!

"You have to take a written examination as part of the qualification to referee and really you have to know your bowls inside out.

"That's no problem for me because I absolutely love it. It's a tremendous game to be involved in."

Husband Ken is very supportive of Edna. But, surprisingly, he has no interest in actually playing the game himself.

"No I've never played," he admits. "They did buy me a set of bowls once but they're still in the bag.

"I've sponsored the Gardens team for a while through my company, Atherton Demolition, but that's about it.

"My interest is in seeing Edna so happy through it. I'm so proud of her achievements and to see her referee at Fleetwood and in the Waterloo was just a dream come true.

"Some days she goes out to play or referee and I don't see her till gone teatime. You could say I'm really a Crown Green Bowls Widower!

"There is a plus side. It does mean when she's out I can have what I want to watch on the telly!"