WHY does our MP, Hilton Dawson, keep voting to tax us more when he stood on a platform of not raising taxes -- and let's not quibble as to when a tax is not a tax.

Labour has refused to raise the level at which the higher rate of tax applies in line with earnings. More and more people, therefore, are now paying income tax at 40 per cent. The higher tax rate should be set at something like £30,000.

The government has also cut the married couples' allowance and mortgage interest rate relief while attacking savings such as Peps and Tessas, and increasing stamp duty.

At the same time they have sold gold reserves and used the money raised to buy Euros, which so far has cost us £30 million.

Our Labour MP supports all the proposals to tax us more from the confines of Westminster. But isn't it time he came back to Wyre and admitted this?

N Sedgwick, Church Lane, Hambleton.