HAS Burnley Council boobed over the transfer 'sell off' of council houses (LET, June 14)?

Changes in the rents were apparently not all disclosed -- that guaranteed rents would be also subject to 'shake up' after five years.

A new re-let policy, which reflects size and facilities, will mean huge rent rises of about £25 a week for some.

This will eventually increase the Council Tax of all Burnley householders. Tenants on benefit will have to pay more, increasing the Housing Benefit budget -- which will then be passed on again.

A rise of 200 per cent on lower-priced properties is not acceptable and, surely, the council would read the small print?

It seems as though the only ones to gain in the long run -- are the housing company. Why aren't we surprised?

KATHLEEN BULCOCK, Wilkie Avenue, Burnley.