DESPITE assurances from Jack Straw that crime figures are down, street crime seems to be on the increase, particularly around Blackburn town centre.

It is not safe walking out in broad daylight now as a person found out when he was robbed at knife-point on Montague Street on a Sunday afternoon.

After Mr Straw's latest move to prevent crime -- part-time prison sentences -- the thugs and criminals must have gone out celebrating when they heard this.

Punishment should fit the crime. My belief is the "go soft" brigade and the bleeding hearts have a lot to answer for.

Giving offenders part-time prison sentences will not solve crime. In fact, it may just give the criminals a licence to do whatever they want in the knowledge that instead of a long prison sentence, they will be able to choose when and how long they will spend in prison.

R CUTTING (Mr), Summerville Walk, Blackburn.