GARDENERS throughout the borough now have the opportunity to put on a blooming good show this summer.

For Bury Council has launched its fourth successive Bury Metro in Bloom competition.

It is designed to encourage improvement of floral displays and increase awareness of the need to improve the environment for the benefit of everyone.

This means not only through horticulture but also community self-help projects involving leisure and education.

The Parks and Countryside Unit has been greatly helped by the committed support of the Bury Times Group, which has particularly sought to publicise the campaign and the drive to make the borough a better place to live and work.

And the progress of the competition can be followed in our newspapers. Anyone can enter. Whether you are a single householder proud of your garden, or hotel or pub with well kept grounds or displays of hanging baskets and window boxes, or a member of a community group on a long-term project to clean up an urban "grot spot", there is a category for you.

And it's free. Certificates of merit will be awarded to prizewinners in each of the following categories:

Household garden. Prizes to be awarded to first, second and third.

Backyard, balcony and small patio garden. Prizes to be awarded to first, second and third.

Community centre, hospital, care and rest home, medical centre, place of worship, community garden.

Retail premises, shop, small office.

Public house, restaurant, hotel, leisure centre.

Large trade, industrial, commercial premises (including garage forecourts and car showrooms).

Schools environmental projects.

The Mayor's Environment Prize: Given for effort and enterprise in cleaning up and securing the ongoing maintenance of derelict areas of the local environment.

Entry forms are available from Bury Council.

These must be received by the competition closing date of Wednesday, July 25.