THE selection of Princess Diana as Woman of the Millennium by the students of Blackburn College (LET, August 5) seems to indicate that the great British brainwashing machine is still very active.

The greatest and most caring person of this century, surely, must be Mother Theresa.

Had this great Samaritan been young, rich, dressed in designer clothes, followed by a retinue of tame, adoring reporters and photographers, she would have polled more votes.

Did Florence Nightingale or Edith Cavell receive a mention?

How about the women who were born in 1900 -- the ones who worked in the foul and fetid atmosphere of the weaving sheds.

In addition to their grinding working conditions, they brought up families and did slavish chores at home without the use of modern aids.

One of these ladies is worth a hundred pampered royals.

It was good to see that some of the students are reading sensible literature. Their choice of best book was excellent.

But, sorry, who is Robbie Williams?

A PEARSON (Mr), Park Lee Road, Blackburn.