MOB fury and a suicide have dragged the paedophile issue from its seedy shadows into the public spotlight, with Tory leader William Hague jumping on the bandwagon and demanding life sentences.

While we've parents scared witless at the prospect of perverts in their community, we've police and do-gooders urging us to be tolerant. These vermin should be named and shamed. They should have a 'P' tattooed on their heads so there's no question who they are and where they are. Their victims bear the marks for life. So should they.

A RECURRING outrage, but no less heartbreaking. A war memorial wrecked -- this time in Billington. We're sure to get the threadbare response from youths and social workers...."but there's nothing to do." They ought to be grateful there's nothing to do. Fifty odd years ago they'd have been dodging bullets and bombs and scraping up shredded bodies from battlefields to give youths of future generations the luxury of lolling around all day.

IT'S humbling - the reaction of 14-year-old Faizan Awan when he received a £1,500 bravery award for being named national Young Hero by the National Kidney Research Fund. The plucky teenager immediately decided to put it towards children's play equipment -- even though he's too sick to use it himself. The world needs more young people like Faizan. It truly does.