IN replying to Councillor Dave Smith (Letters, August 30), who claims that the major decision on the cabinet style of local government was taken by the whole Labour group in a free and open manner, I derive no pleasure in disagreeing with him.

When Coun Stephen Greenwood bullied fellow Labour councillors by calling them 'scabs' if they replied to the simple question posed by this newspaper of whether they were in favour or against the cabinet, the more timid ones declined to answer.

This suggests coercion by Coun Greenwood and I have not seen any public apology for it

May I suggest, as an acid test of the local Labour Party's commitment to democracy that they include a slip of paper with the voting form at the next local election in May, 2001, asking the electorate if they agree or disagree with the cabint style of local government?

JOHN EDDLESTON, Brownhill Road, Blackburn.