AT the age of 15 when most girls are thinking about pop stars and make-up -- Bethan Adamson is thinking about her next civic engagement as Mayoress.

She is juggling GCSEs with her role alongside her mum Christine who has been a Whitworth councillor for seven years.

Christine, who was also a Rossendale councillor for four years , said: "I was Mayor of Whitworth six years ago and my husband Mick was consort.

"He is very, very shy and this year when I was persuaded to be Mayor again Bethan said half-jokingly she would be Mayoress.

"I didn't really want to go outside the family and so it worked out fine when she said yes."

Last year Bethan was deputy alongside her mum, but Christine is going to make sure she takes time out to complete her GCSE studies.

Bethan attends St Cuthbert's RC High School in Rochdale and is planning to do her A-levels at Oldham Sixth Form Centre.

Christine said: "She will study law and dance and I think she wants to be Ally McBeal!

"She is in her GCSE year and she will find it hard and I have said to her there will be things I don't expect her to attend because of her studies.

"Last year she took part in many events and we also deputised for Whitworth Mayor Coun Jimmy Grogan because he was also completing engagements as Deputy Mayor of Rossendale.

"Teenagers have their moments and Bethan is no different than other teenagers, I am very proud of the way she has handled the responsibility

Christine works with single homeless people and Mick is a teacher working with children with special needs.

She said: "I came in for criticism from people who said she was too young and what did she know about being a Mayoress?

"But I have always brought my children up to be aware and aware of local politics.

"Being Mayoress will be a boost to her confidence and self esteem. It can only be a good experience and help to prepare her for life."