WE'RE off to see the wizard, the wonderful Wizard of Oz, courtesy of the Little Players Drama School.

Hordes of youngsters, aged 8 to 16, from the Preston based independent school, will set off down the yellow brick road tonight (Thursday) and for the next two days, after just two weeks of rehearsals.

In this time they have also had to construct a set for the classic tale which they are performing as part of a summer school.

Deborah Carter, director of the Little Players, said: "They have worked very hard and have gone home very tired at the end of each rehearsal, but are absolutely full of excitement.

"All of them are desperate to do it again next year and it has been a great opportunity for the children to work with a professional director."

There may be no place like home, but it's well worth popping out to catch the play at the Preston Playhouse Theatre, Market Street West, Preston tonight and Friday and Saturday August 17 and 18.

For more information call the Playhouse on 01772 252288.