TENANTS on a housing estate which has been subject to juvenile nuisance complaints and vandalism could be threatened with eviction if their children are responsible.

In a leaflet distributed door-to-door on the Edgeside and Booth estates in Waterfoot, the neighbourhood office has sounded a warning to parents of children who may be causing problems.

It says: "This article is to inform everyone that if your child is involved in nuisance or damage on the estate, you will be hearing from the council.

"If you are a tenant, you may be served with a notice seeking possession of your home, which could ultimately lead to your eviction.

"If you own your home, or privately rent it, the council will seek an Acceptable Behaviour Contract or an Anti-Social Behaviour Order against your child. The latter, if breached, could lead to a jail sentence."

There have been a number of problems on the estates, including windows being smashed, juvenile nuisance, an alleged attack when a grandfather was struck with a house brick for which an adult and children are being dealt with by the courts and car crime, when 100 tyres were punctured on the Booth estate and surrounding streets.

Chairman of Edgeside and District Residents' Association Stuart Harrop said: "We endorse the stance the council is taking."

He said his group was set up because of the problems on the estate which led tenants to talk of setting up vigilante groups.

He said: "Now we are a community organisation working for the community. We have already arranged to have gates put on the estate to stop problems with youngsters running past the flats and are holding a fun day to raise money to improve facilities for the young."

The letter continues: "The council is not prepared to tolerate this behaviour on the estate and action will be taken. If that means a family is evicted for nuisance, then that is how far we are prepared to go."

You can rest assured that this action would hit the headlines.

"I appreciate this article is hard-hitting and not aimed at residents who conduct their tenancies in a proper manner.

"The council needs you help. You must report incidents along with the names of youths involved. Your complaint will be treated confidentially, but without names the council is limited on the action it can take."

Anyone with information can contact Julie Smith or Dorothy Crawshaw at the Waterfoot Neighbourhood Office on 01706 210155 to report any incidents.