REGARDING "Walk through Boulevard a nightmare" (Letters, August 22), I work and live near to Blackburn town centre and, consequently, can sympathise a great deal with the view of your Clitheroe reader.

I, too, am sick of these Boulevard yobs, hanging around bus shelters and lounging on benches usually in a drunken stupor.

These people are not only an anti-social element which needs to be discouraged by the police and the council, but they are an embarrassment and an insult to all respectable citizens who set foot on Blackburn railway station. It seems that the only logical way to deal with this sub-culture is to ban the drinking of alcohol altogether on the streets of the town.

The most annoying aspect of their behaviour and lifestyle is how they manage to finance their binges, apart from their continual harassment of passers-by for "spare change." They certainly to not work, nor do they make themselves available for employment.

Why do the police turn a blind eye when these louts toss their empty lager and cider bottles into the Cathedral grounds?

Name and address received.