A HOSPITAL worker is on track to raise thousands of pounds to help the young and the old.

Mr John Francis, estates officer for Fairfield Hospital, will stage a Track Day at the Three Sisters race circuit in Wigan on September 6 in a bid to raise a minimum of £10,000.

The main benefactor of the project, known as Target Ten Thousand, will be Round Table Children's Wish, a charity for critically-ill children.

But if the target is exceeded, a donation of up to £1,000 could go towards the maternity suite at Fairfield Hospital and to the Elderly Day Hospital and the Care of the Elderly Department. Mr Francis got his fund-raising efforts off to a roaring start when he handed over £147 which was raised at the birthday barbecue of his girlfriend, Cathryn Edwards, through raffles and donations.

The Elderly Day Hospital at Fairfield Hospital received £50, another £50 was donated to Spur House at Pilsworth, which will go towards a day trip to the seaside, and £47 went to Round Table Children's Wish.

Mr Francis has now raised a total of £380 for the Round Table Children's Wish and a further £250 has been pledged by the Aintree Racing Driver's School based at the Three Sisters Racing Circuit.

He said that the track day was going well and there are only a few places remaining for people to drive their own cars around the circuit.

The cost to take part is £45 for a half-day track pass, or £90 for a full day.

Champion AutoTest driver Steve Johnson will stage a vehicle display which the brave are welcome to take part in.

For more information on the event ring 797 3566.