TO improve people's access and influence over their local council, the Ramsbottom and Tottington Area Board are extending the number of public meetings it holds.

The latest opportunity to meet with the board will take place on Tuesday next, September18, at Christ Church neighbourhood centre in Great Eaves Road, Ramsbottom, starting at 7pm.

Area Board chairman Councillor Dorothy Gunther said: "This is our first meeting since June and we are looking forward to what is certain to be a busy evening with a number of important issues to be discussed.

"We hope we will have the usual good turn-out of local residents."

Area Board co-ordinator Michael Ormerod added: "We will begin the evening with the usual 45 minute open forum, which allows everyone to have a say on any local issues they wish to raise.

"After that there will be an update on local bus services and discussion of grant funding.

Anyone who requires further information, either about the meeting or the Ramsbottom and Tottington Area Board, should call 01204 880457.