WAS the World Trade Centre atrocity an act of war, or one of terror? If it was war, the US deserves global support in winning it -- by targeted, swift and covert action to root out terrorism and to deter others.

Our government has offered unqualified support for the Bush campaign and, as a first step, it should urgently review the Human Rights Act because it will shackle attempts to push through measures to counter terrorism as it has already prevented the extradition of suspected terrorists from this country.

There is a world of difference between 'fundamental rights' and the measures that incorporate the 'European Convention of Human Rights' into our laws.

Because of the gravity of the situation, the Government should review the problems created by the 'Human Rights Act,' along with other loopholes that could affect the 'war effort.' As with the United States, our enemy could be 'within.'

COUNCILLOR JAMES HIRST (Beardwood with Lammack Ward), Blackburn Conservative Association.