JEREMY GUSCOTT, the England and British Lions Rugby Union star, is doing the "Tetley Trek", walking round the UK in aid of the Leukaemia Research Fund. (Some of you will remember the Ian Botham walks for the same cause!).

He will be visiting Prestwich on Saturday 20th October and it is planned to give him a "Welcome to Prestwich" with a warm and friendly greeting, and then help him to collect for the Leukaemia Research Fund.

People will be meeting at The Cottage Caf (courtesy of Celia Makin) on Church Lane, Prestwich Village, at 10.00am LATEST, as Jeremy will be arriving at the south end of Prestwich Village (near St. Mary's Park/Flower Gardens) shortly after 10am -- and then the plan is to walk with him through Prestwich Village to Tesco's, arriving there between 10.30 and 11.00am.

Come and join in! If you can't, send your donation to The Leukaemia Research Fund, to John Ardern or c/o Kate White, 43 Great Ormond Street, London, WC1N 3JJ. (Pledge Line 0207-405-0101).

For any further details, please contact John Ardern or Kate White on 0207-269-9005.